High Five Friday

This weeks Wheyhey High Five Friday is going out to Leah Valoroso.

Leah not only undertook a body transformation herself but is also now helping others do the same thing. What makes this even more impressive is the workload she has been juggling, completing the final year of her degree at University, as well as completing a nutritional advisor course & studying to achieve a personal training certificate all the while also working as a waitress. Safe to say that Leah took juggling a busy schedule to a whole new level.

Her training consisted of lots of HIIT & plyometric routines to maximise all of the time she spent working out. As well as following an all over body weight training split focusing on one muscle group each day. The tips that she has passed on to anyone going through the same transformation are “Constantly build on your knowledge about health and fitness. This could be by enrolling yourself on courses, or seeking the knowledge of somebody more experienced than you. It is most important that you find a lifestyle that you are happy with, so that it is sustainable, healthy and most importantly enjoyable.”

We couldn’t agree with Leah more on this & that’s why this weeks High 5 is going out to her. Stories like this is what we all love to hear here at Wheyhey HQ, so if you’d like to feature on our blog get in touch at info@wheyhey.com or find us on twitter @WheyheyOfficial

As always big love to the Wheyhey family & have a great Friday everyone


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