Banoffee mostravaganza!

This delicious Banoffee cheesecake made by @twicethehealth will serve 4 (but we’re more than happy if you keep it for yourself!). Complete with it’s own chocolate Moustache, it’s sure to get you in the mood for Movember.

What goes in it?

– 4 oat cakes (I used Rude Health)
– 4 dates
– 1tbsp almond meal
– 1tub Banoffee Whey Hey!
– 1 large banana
– 1 square 90% dark chocolate

Here’s the instructions on how to make your own:

1.Line an 11cm spring form tin with baking parchment and grease with a little coconut oil. Blend together the oat cakes, dates and almond meal until a paste forms, add a splash of water if you need.

2.Press this paste firmly into the tin. make sure that it is tightly packed all the way to the sides to avoid the filling leaking out.

3.Blend together 3/4 of the banana and the ice cream until smooth. Pour this mix on top of the base in the tin.

4.Place in the freezer until set (approx 3hours).

5.Before serving decorate with the remaining banana/4 and grate over dark chocolate, allow to thaw a little for 5-10mins.
Cut into 4 and serve.

Why not show us your culinary skills by tweeting us @wheyheyofficial and don’t forget to use the hashtag #refuelyourmove for extra Movember brownie points (healthy ones, of course)


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