Strawberry and Vanilla Protein Cheesecake Bites

Summer time calls for delicious, chilled or frozen desserts created by our Chef Pamela – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have to be unhealthy! These cheesecake squares are both packed full of protein (thanks to Wheyhey!) and goodness, while looking rather attractive and almost too pretty to eat! Keep in the freezer and pop one out when you’ve got a craving when the temperatures are soaring…or any time you want a healthy sweet fix!

For the base –
1 cup rolled oats (I used Mornflake)
½ cup ground almonds
1 scoop vanilla protein powder*
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp Sweet Freedom, honey or other natural liquid sweetener
½ tsp vanilla extract

Put the oats, almonds and protein powder in a bowl and mix together well.
Melt the coconut oil and choice of liquid sweetener, then pour over the dry ingredients along with the vanilla extract. Stir well to incorporate – it should be coming together and a little sticky. If it’s still crumbly and not coming together, add a dash of water and mix.
Now spoon into a lined baking tray and press into the tin with your hands or a back of a spoon – it needs to cover the base and be spread evenly. Freeze for at least an hour.

Cheesecake Swirl –
1 tub silken tofu (about 300g)
½ cup cashew nuts, soaked for at least 4 hours
2 x 150ml tubs Wheyhey Strawberry ice cream
2 x 150ml tubs Wheyhey Vanilla ice cream
A little chocolate whey protein powder*
A little strawberry whey protein powder*
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp Truvia stevia (or other natural sweetener)

Remove the tubs of Wheyhey from the freezer about 10-15 minutes beforehand to thaw a little. Drain the soaked cashews well.
Now add half of the tofu, half cashews, 1tbsp of the Truvia and the two Strawberry melted tubs of Wheyhey to a high power blender and whizz until smooth. If too runny, add some strawberry protein powder and whizz again. Pour into a bowl and set aside.
Wash out your blender, then place the remaining tofu, cashews, Truvia and vanilla Wheyhey ice creams into it along with the vanilla extract. Whizz again and as with above, if too runny, add some vanilla protein powder. Once you’re happy with the consistency, this is where the fun starts!
Remove the base from the freezer and basically spoon each of the mixtures, taking it in turns, gradually swirling round in between so you start to get a swirl pattern – until both mixtures have been used up. Now return to the freezer for at least 6 hours.

Ready to serve?
When you’re ready to dish out, remove the tin from the freezer about 10 minutes beforehand – and now’s the slightly tricky part! Run a sharp knife around the edge of the whole tin, then score out about 12 chunks. Using the greaseproof paper you lined it with to help, lift it out of the tin and transfer to a chopping or wooden board. Now, as it gets slightly softer and less ‘frozen’, push through the scored lines with the sharp knife and cut into chunks. Now enjoy!

*Note: I use PhD Nutrition diet whey protein powders as these work amazingly well in all of my recipes, whether baked or frozen!


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